Monday, May 28, 2007

I will be in Hospital from31st May so no Orders will be Taken until June 8th

Copyright©2007Jacqui Grogan

I shall be going into hospital for surgery on Thursday the 31st (Full Moon) of May and will be having corrective surgery on the 1st of June...

This for me will be my day of New Beginnings, the start of my new life, a rebirth...Something I have prayed for, for many years...An incredible journey...

Surprisingly I do not feel as nervous as I thought I might, just excited that I am going to wake up to a New Me...

I just wanted to let my friends know who I have not been able to contact in time that I shall be thinking of you all and will be back on track asap...I have always prided my'Self' on being a fast healer and know that I will not be out of action for long...

For those who want to Order any of my gifts please be patient with me, I shall only be away from my work for a week and will be back online on June 7th...

Many Blessings

Eden's Spirit

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Listen to this Beautiful Version of Somewhere over the Rainbow by Iz Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - The movie is A Tribute to Him...I was directed to it by my Good friend Thoth aka Jeff...Thank you for sending me such a beautiful gift...I have listened to it so much and shown all that I can so they may share the Beauty shown within and know that they are Truly Blessed...

What a beautiful Spirit...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Count your blessings

Of Late I have been feeling very blessed...I am blessed by Beautiful Children and Grandchildren, A caring Husband, lovely friends, freedom of speech, sight, sound, the ability to walk and smile, read and write, a lovely home, the ability to paint and create.... but most of all ....I am Blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ as I know he resides within me and His Heavenly Father the Almighty God walks beside me, carrying me in times of difficulties and duress...Telling me to Trust in his word...and I do...Thank You and Praise be to God for all lessons that I am given...

While counting my Blessings today I was sent through the mail a link to a site that wants YOU to take part in a World Wide Blessing...The Lady who has created this site is named Kate Nowak and what a blessing she is to the World...


Enjoy...And may you share your blessings...Eden x

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