Monday, January 22, 2007

Peace Within

At the moment I am working on a painting called Peace within...

These are the questions I have found myself asking lately...
What does peace within mean? What is the definition of peace within? How do I find it?

Now during this time of creation (the past week) I have had three 'not so very nice ' bits of news concerning my family and friends. To top it all, one of my closest friends who I can talk to openly about my worries is moving away, so you see I feel as if I am not at peace within at the moment. And although I know that tomorrow is another day and today is just a passing moment, I can't seem to shake my sadness...maybe thats because I haven't really uttered how I am feeling (except to the higher spirit of course).

This has distracted me from painting and I am finding it quite difficult to get my creative juices flowing. I know I have to finish the work because it holds hidden messages for me to translate and take on board...

I have said a prayer for each of those concerning the bad news and am anxious to get on with my painting to see what messages it has to offer.

I think the painting may well be a meditation painting about peace on earth as it is something I pray for constantly...who knows...I shall just have to wait and see...

I also think there could be a message in it for me and you...the quest for peace within...

I hope when I look back on this I have received the message being sent loud and clear...

In fact just through writing this short journal has made me realise that I must get on and finish it...I shall post it when I am done...

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