Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sowing the Seeds of Love

Sowing the seeds of love

All of us are on a journey in life, we can choose whether or not we travel snail coach or express. Some paths we take may slow us down because the lesson we are to learn maybe a complex one where our minds can not grasp the lesson as quickly as others. Maybe this is because some are not as well equipped as others. What ever, it is our destiny to reach for the Light...

As young seedlings we love to spend as many hours outside, come rain or shine. Exploring nature, dancing, laughing, listening to the sounds of nature, eating, playing and expressing free will; learning about what we like and dislike, what creatures and plants sting...We are born Pure and naturally instinctive and intuitive...we are born knowing...we are care FREE...and Love those who love us back, unconditionally...Our world is full of light when we are mere seedlings...No matter who our parents are or where they derive from...

Now all depending on who our given family is we will either thrive and reach the light of the Sun and Moon quickly or we will struggle, shrivel up and turn in on our'selves', like a diseased plant that is not being nourished because its Mother/Father seed had picked up a dis'ease' somewhere along their growth path, and passed it on...This effects the ability to grow with strength and focus as our attention is turned towards healing our inner wounds...

As we pass Infancy and move on to the Junior stage of growth we are sent to the school of life where we have to mix with other breeds who maybe stable and strong or weak and vulnerable...It is here that we learn about survival of the fittest...

For those who are born from strong seed and nurtured correctly and loved, life seems so rosy, they can see the direct route to the light; yes they may wander and even mix with the weaklings, (hopefully sharing, caring and sowing their good seeds) but they will almost inevitably survive and reach maturity well before the weaker seeds...Life for them is not spent struggling to learn the difference between the light and the dark...They are well balanced and healthy in spirit...They can see the light clearly and know that is where they are headed...They flourish in the school and are not picked out as being different or weak...

For the weaker seedlings and the weeds life is not so simple...They struggle to grow in spirit and may fail to blossom to their fullest potential. Their spirit aches for better understanding, often they struggle with their identity and yearn to blossom in the school of life. Some may find it hard to mix, feeling isolated and are often labeled as disruptive, weak or ugly. Some may die very early, some become bullies-poisoning the others so they may feed off their light; others will continue in life's desperate struggle to reach for a patch of light and many will be targeted and plucked from the ground by the hands of those with no regard for their inner beauty and right to live a good life.

Weeds are just as beautiful as roses but in the school of life we are taught to WEED out those that are not as acceptable to live in our garden...The truth is that it is those that purport to be strong yet target others as weak that are really the weakest. They are blind to the inner beauty and wisdom and think that more room should be made for them to grow ...if only they would take time to get to know other breeds and understand that they too deserve a chance to express their inner beauty and given the chance to be heard...

Adolescence is a critical time in the seedlings life, it is when they need to be prepared for the outer world to which they will be blown with the wind of change. If the seeds that have been sown at home and in school have been good then the chances are that they will succeed and be happy, surrounded only by those who radiate light. They will grow towards maturity, only accepting the best because they have been lovingly fed what is needed to survive in this world.

If however their needs have not been met they may well struggle in the adult world, always searching for something to light up their lives...Some may become addicted to whatever fills their void, others bullies and others will be survivors, the strongest breed of all...Survivors are those that have lived in total darkness without the nourishment of the light of love shining down on them. However they were born with an inner light that keeps them alive and have an inner knowing that they will become stronger than any who have tried to stunt their growth.

Survivors are those that sit quietly in the dark waiting for the moment the winds of change arrive and when it does they fly off eagerly to pastures new and start a new life in the light...When their roots become strong, (after learning many lessons that were not taught to them as a seedling) and their foundations built upon solid ground they set out on their journey with the knowledge and understanding about the strong and the weak, the dark and the light...

Survivors set out on a mission to educate others about accepting differences, the need for nourishing the spirits of seedlings correctly,

no matter what breed of life they come from...And guide them all towards God's Given Life of Light, filled with love...

For the greatest seeds of all to sow that will help us all to live in Peace and Harmony, side by side in Gods Garden of Eden is the SEED OF LOVE...

Why not start planting the good seeds today and help others carry their spirit out of the dark and in to the Light...

Copyright©2007Jacqui Grogan

Monday, May 28, 2007

I will be in Hospital from31st May so no Orders will be Taken until June 8th

Copyright©2007Jacqui Grogan

I shall be going into hospital for surgery on Thursday the 31st (Full Moon) of May and will be having corrective surgery on the 1st of June...

This for me will be my day of New Beginnings, the start of my new life, a rebirth...Something I have prayed for, for many years...An incredible journey...

Surprisingly I do not feel as nervous as I thought I might, just excited that I am going to wake up to a New Me...

I just wanted to let my friends know who I have not been able to contact in time that I shall be thinking of you all and will be back on track asap...I have always prided my'Self' on being a fast healer and know that I will not be out of action for long...

For those who want to Order any of my gifts please be patient with me, I shall only be away from my work for a week and will be back online on June 7th...

Many Blessings

Eden's Spirit

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Listen to this Beautiful Version of Somewhere over the Rainbow by Iz Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - The movie is A Tribute to Him...I was directed to it by my Good friend Thoth aka Jeff...Thank you for sending me such a beautiful gift...I have listened to it so much and shown all that I can so they may share the Beauty shown within and know that they are Truly Blessed...

What a beautiful Spirit...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Count your blessings

Of Late I have been feeling very blessed...I am blessed by Beautiful Children and Grandchildren, A caring Husband, lovely friends, freedom of speech, sight, sound, the ability to walk and smile, read and write, a lovely home, the ability to paint and create.... but most of all ....I am Blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ as I know he resides within me and His Heavenly Father the Almighty God walks beside me, carrying me in times of difficulties and duress...Telling me to Trust in his word...and I do...Thank You and Praise be to God for all lessons that I am given...

While counting my Blessings today I was sent through the mail a link to a site that wants YOU to take part in a World Wide Blessing...The Lady who has created this site is named Kate Nowak and what a blessing she is to the World...


Enjoy...And may you share your blessings...Eden x

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Tree of fertility

The Tree of fertility was painted as a blessing...

Now when I created this painting I was not aware of all the messages it held until I did the reading...

I would like to share that reading with you and am always up for discussion on what others perceive through it too...please feel free to share your views...


Sowing the Seeds of Love and Life

Dedicated to Paul and Zoe 2007

By Jacqui Grogan ~ Eden’s Spirit

I see spring is in the air, it smells so fresh, it’s a day when the sun shines so beautifully,
Its time for renewal, for bringing new life to all as it thaws your bodies so dutifully.
The sun is the giver of life, our universal father, the very core of our being and insight.
I see Archangel of the sun, Raphael watching over you, healing you with his love and light.
His pure golden spiral pours down from Father Sun to manifest life on earth with his beam.
He tells me you must harmonise and heal your spirit, in order to create your life’s dream.

Absorb his pure golden energy into your solar plexus where your will and powers reside,
Ignite the sun within you and harness its healing ability within your every cell; let none hide.

I sense from the atmosphere it is a magical day, I feel the air is full of love and happiness,
There is dew on the grass, droplets of luck; I see life for you looks all sparkly and fresh.
The dew is the elixir of life, the nurturer of the lush green grass; it looks after its needs,
so it can grow to exist healthily, mature and be at it’s best when it’s time to sow it‘s seeds.

The grass offers life many creature comforts, a place for all to enjoy the great benefit
Of Mother Natures wondrous gift of life as well as a place to live and play or else to sit…

Upon this grass sits a large pot that houses the tree of life, a tall and handsome fir tree,
A symbol of rebirth and endurance; also known in many cultures as the tree of fertility.
It is believed that the Tree holds many powers as it sow’s its seed on our precious earth
It is said that it’s the toy chest of souls, who wait for the right maiden to allot them rebirth.

I understand the pot is made from pure gold, I also see it is a vessel containing much honey.
Gold tells me a spiritual energy surrounds you, and it symbolises abundance and money.

Honey is used for healing and indicates sweetness, devotion, productivity and all good things;
The land of abundant fertility ~the Promised Land, bodily fluids and also God's blessings.
Now in the book of Solomon it poetically suggests, that the fertility figure of milk and honey
Is the paradise of a woman’s body, symbolic of the divine female figure and the new mummy.

Decorating the Honey pot is a beautiful heart that is coloured with magenta and blue,
It is the symbol of your very essence and denotes you are a very romantic couple too.
Magenta represents the female side of life, selfless love, emotional healing and babies,
Thus blue refers to the male counterpart, loyalty, heaven, trust and the ability to please.

Attached to the heart is the caduceus an ancient symbol of DNA, medicine, grounding, balance and healing,
The rod signifies the wisdom of earth and air, the human spine, and is carried by Raphael with much feeling.
It also is the concept of Kundalini, the yogic philosophy of ancient India, a known bio-energetic event,
Which refers to the mothering intelligence behind the awakening of the spirit whence maturity is sent.

Intertwined serpents tell of the balance of both solar and lunar energy, the God and Goddess of life.
It is very important to balance this male and female energy in order to be a happy husband and wife.
The colours of the serpents are orange and yellow, representing passion, energy and a warm feeling
Which, I am told is needed to start the fire within so that the journey towards your healing can begin.

The serpents of the Garden of Eden were said to create life forms in test tubes, many a year ago,
They symbolise rebirth, spiritual wisdom, healing and life and are a phallic symbol of man (you know).
The points where the snakes cross the rod signify the energy centres of your body, from base to third eye,
And in order to balance these chakras call on Raphael and Gabriel to help you; go on don’t be shy.

Attached to the staff are the wings of radiance belonging to Hermes the Messenger of the Gods.
They signify spiritual transcendence of time and temptation and bring healing against all the odds.

The wing that is coloured Lilac and Purple is that of Ariel, the Angel of Pluto, Earth and Air,
She says that you must learn to see with your heart and listen with your soul, to learn what is fair.
Her special gift to you is to send extraordinary healing so any ailments you have can be addressed,
This can be of particular benefit to you both, especially when you are down and feel stressed.

The wing that is blue belongs to Archangel Michael, who brings you protection and strength,
He says he’ll light your way to truth, wisdom and freedom and support you at any time and length.
He will bestow upon you gifts of patience and calmness, and will help you to face the truth of life,
Call on him to cut away the things you would like to be rid of, especially any trouble and strife.

Now the shape of the crown is symbolic of a pyramid, a symbol of Earth in its maternal aspect,
Associated with the Great Mother, who deserves to be shown loving kindness and respect.

Above the wings I see two fishes that symbolise fertility and knowledge because they spawn copiously
The fish never close their eyes, witnessing all that surrounds them and enabling them to roam and be free.
These fish I see are protecting and nurturing two eggs that have been produced by each parent
For they know that they need to look after them, because their precious gift of life is heaven sent.
The eggs themselves (which are spherical) represent the circle of life, oneness and the Angel of the moon,
Who says she is going to be there for you, she’ll be your guiding light and will be with you sometime soon.

Lighting up the life and spirits within this blessed Tree of Life is a bright and bold golden sun
Within it lays the Triquetra, the Celtic symbol for luck, the Father, Holy Ghost and the Son.
It also denotes mother’s natural world, the threefold nature of the Goddess as virgin, mother and crone
And also the magical forces of nature; Earth, Air and Water, life death and rebirth, for some.

The message the sun is sending as it sits on the top of the caduceus, I see and hear loud and clear,
I am hearing that healing of your mind, body and spirit must take place, you must let go of any fear;
For in order to achieve your higher dreams you must rid your mind and body of any undue stress,
Let go of any tension, for stress is the cause of all diseases in the mind and body, and so let it regress.

Ask Raphael to take your pains and sorrows to the heavens so that they be healed in the light of love
Ask him to purify your mind, body and spirit so it may be filled with the purest love and light from above.

When Raphael becomes part of your life, as he clearly has in this message received through the tree
It is a gift that most would cherish, to know that an Angel is so close and wants to look after thee.
He asks for you to call on him anytime soon, so quickly he can start healing your mind body and soul,
He really wants to help you, become part of your life and enable you to reach your highest goal.

With the power of the Paternal Sun God, Raphael and the Maternal Mother of the moon, I sense
That all good things are coming your way, and I see that the pleasure you will receive is immense.
For cradling the sun are four hearts, joined together and growing with peace, love and grace
And at the tip of the tree I can see a spiritual presence of healing, a beautiful horses face.

I believe this to be a message from Epona, the Celtic Goddess of fertility who protects horses and foals,
And she tells me that you must follow your dreams, heed the messages received so you may reach your goals.
For in this land of plenty where the air is filled with life, love and abundance and the ground with all things good
She says that you should tread this earth with the understanding of life, in order to reach motherhood…

It matters not where a child has come from, it only matters whose arms it has been placed in ,and I believe,
There is no better place for a child dear Lord than with two parents such as Zoe and Paul who are waiting to conceive…

Art and poetry Copyright©2007Jacqui Grogan Edens Spirit

Sowing the Seeds of Love with the help of the Archangel Parrasiel /

Monday, January 22, 2007

Human Angels

After my last post I opened an email from my dear friend Ricky...

I met Ricky in a forum and our friendship blossomed so much so that
he has become part of my life...There is no hidden agenda, just pure
admiration and love of an innocent kind...

Ricky has been an inspiration to me on my journey over the past year.
You see I am able to open my heart to him as he does not judge, he looks
at the positive and finds something good and uplifting to say each time...

I wrote to Ricky earlier this week telling him of a dilemma that I found
hard to tell any other, and he replied with such warmth and love...He then
posted me a link to a beautiful, uplifting movie that made me re-think my
feelings and spurred me on to continue on my journey. It is you Ricky that
I will be thinking of while continuing my painting of Peace Within .

Thank you for being there for me in my hour of need and thank you dear
Lord for sending me a Human Angel...

For any of you who feel they have gone off the path and need to get back on it
I would like to share that inspirational movie with you...please click on the link
and you shall be able to view it...God bless you all...

Ricky also posted me this inspiring movie...I Love your kind wishes truly are my earth Angel... check this one out too...its amazing

Peace Within

At the moment I am working on a painting called Peace within...

These are the questions I have found myself asking lately...
What does peace within mean? What is the definition of peace within? How do I find it?

Now during this time of creation (the past week) I have had three 'not so very nice ' bits of news concerning my family and friends. To top it all, one of my closest friends who I can talk to openly about my worries is moving away, so you see I feel as if I am not at peace within at the moment. And although I know that tomorrow is another day and today is just a passing moment, I can't seem to shake my sadness...maybe thats because I haven't really uttered how I am feeling (except to the higher spirit of course).

This has distracted me from painting and I am finding it quite difficult to get my creative juices flowing. I know I have to finish the work because it holds hidden messages for me to translate and take on board...

I have said a prayer for each of those concerning the bad news and am anxious to get on with my painting to see what messages it has to offer.

I think the painting may well be a meditation painting about peace on earth as it is something I pray for constantly...who knows...I shall just have to wait and see...

I also think there could be a message in it for me and you...the quest for peace within...

I hope when I look back on this I have received the message being sent loud and clear...

In fact just through writing this short journal has made me realise that I must get on and finish it...I shall post it when I am done...

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