Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Awakening of My Spirit

MY awakening started many years ago. I first realised I was having a wake up call in the late 90's when my house was struck by lightening. At the time many weird things were happening in my life that I couldn't explain.

It was around this time that I started to realise that I had many powers that needed unleashing...I was teaching a group of adults at the time and even though I had not trained in several of the subjects that I was given to teach I seemed to know the answers to subjects that were out of the ordinary.

I started to write about things that I didn't realise was in me. Everyone I knew would come to me to find out the answers to questions they needed answering, mainly spiritual and self help one's... They would say "ask Jacqui, she'll know"...thanks for having faith in me guy's:-)

It was around this time that I painted a tree and called it the tree of life, I had never heard of it before so out of curiosity I researched it and it was all to do with the beginning of time, spirituality, the universal symbol of life...

I was more of a craft worker and DIY expert at the time, into colours and interiors as well as recycling. I hadn't done much painting since my teens, except for the odd painting and interior work and the style I was using (symbolism) was very new to me, I knew nothing about it as I hadn't had any training as an artist.

Then I painted a tree called the Awakening of the spirit which was full of vitality and life...Now I had never heard of this 'Awakening before' yet all of a sudden I found myself writing about it for a course on youth in the community that I was on at the time. Well when I read it back I was amazed that I had written such a thing...I didn't know where it was coming from.

I started to receive information left right and centre through the paintings I created and was especially drawn to painting trees...I feel that through these paintings my spirit has been awoken. I have been led down a great path of self discovery, an exciting path that has helped me to unleash my creative and intuitive side. A path that has enabled me to do things I never thought I was capable of and it gets better by the second:-)

I believe I will never stop learning about the spiritual side of life and am so glad to have experienced such a thing; I am especially overjoyed to have such a gift presented to me...a gift that enables me to receive information
from the higher realms about life, it's meaning and have the ability to help others

Before my awakening I felt empty as if I didn't know which way to turn now I know I have much work to do in the spiritual sense...Now I feel like my life has a meaning and I enjoy it so much more...

I now teach what I have learnt and love to teach others how to paint their true spirit so that they too can reawaken their true self and begin to live their true life being who they were intended to be before life's ups and downs took a hold on them.

Each day I feel I am becoming closer to living my dream, my faith in myself has been given such a boost by this awakening that I feel so much lighter in my spirit and fear, which I was gripped with before seems to have dis-appeared...and love has taken its place...I have a few more hurdles to overcome but trust that all will be won...For my spirit has been awakened...

A great lady on my forum posted an amazing write up About how to recognise if you are having or have had an Awakening by a lady called
Karin Hannigan and when I read it I was amazed at how much of it applied to me please take a look if you are interested it may suprise you...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Dream Tree and The Crow

Messages from Beyond

The Wisdom of the Crow and The dream Tree

In the summer of 2006 a crow kept visiting me in my town garden...He would sit on the window ledge and knock on my studio window then fly into the garden and put on an amazing display...

He'd sit on the compost bin where a mirror perched above it, crow three times and open his wings fully caressing the compost bin while pecking the mirror three times, then he'd fly to the gate post crow again and fly off into the distance...

This magnificent display continued throughout the summer, if he couldn't find me in the studio he would come to my second floor office studio, he knew where to find me...and he wasn't shy of showing others his extraordinary behaviour...

At the time I was in the process of making my dreams become reality, I was trying to break free of the old me and leave the past behind, where it belongs and only taking with me the lessons I had learnt...I was also about to married in Gretna Green, a dream of mine...

I researched into the symbolic meaning of the crow and found that the Crow's Wisdom was sending me many answers to questions I had asked of late...

The Crow's Wisdom Includes
  • Guardian of the place before existence
  • Ability to move in space and time/shape shifting
  • Honouring ancestors
  • Carriers of souls from darkness into light
  • Working without fear in darkness
  • Guidance while working in shadow
  • moves freely in the void understands all things related to ethics
Then I read a quote from a Netsilik song

In the very earliest time, when both people and animals lived on earth, a person could become an animal if he wanted to and animal could become a human being.
Sometimes they were people and sometimes they were animals and there was no difference.
All spoke the same language.

Now I know I have the ability to comunicate with nature, I have always been connected to life...But I had never received such a strong message that was visable to all...

I began receiving newsletters to do with mirroring, the topic was popping up all around me...
I was amazed at the synchronosity and the way in which the spirit world communicates...

After Our Honey moon in August I arrived home to find the mirror had dropped, but not smashed and the Crow now visits with his pal....

I feel blessed to have been visited by such a wonder, a messenger from the higher realms...

During this time I painted the dream tree, which revealed to me that I was to reach my goals, some of which have already happened...oh how I am looking forward to reaching the pinnacle...

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What/Who is Love

I painted I am Love in 2004; I was guided by a Spirit Guide called 'Lone wolf'...It was a time in my life when I was searching for what I thought was my missing in my life, my lost soul...only to find out that what I was looking for was within me all along...

We each go through life looking for love, or what we think is love. It is not until we open our hearts to the love we own inside of us that we realise that love was with us all along...and that beauty is all around us in every living entity...

It seemed that I had searched forever for someone to love me, always feeling as if something was soul mate. And then I found that the reason I could not find it in another was because I did not love myself as I ought to...

If there is one step I would urge others who feel as if something is missing from their lives to take, it would be to open your heart to loving your true 'self'...

I am glad I did because it not only stopped me from beating myself up all the time, it led me to
feeling truly happy and living the life I was born to live...In freedom, without judgement and enjoying every minute...

On top of the world

The Inner Flame of Faith and wisdom...

The Tree of Life is guarding the gates of Paradise whose symbolic inner eye beams its knowledge down to the Earth and all that exists upon it.

The Angel of wisdom keeps all beings, who do not know their True identity, from entering the gates. She says that they must first be connected to all life by the thread of consciousness and love.

The inner flame of the candle burns brightly and symbolizes the flame of Wisdom, Truth and knowledge. If our inner flame is not lit how can we experience the joys of Heaven, thus enabling us to live our life on Earth as the True Spirit we are born to be?...

We must rejoice life and embrace all…

Copyright©2006Jacqui Grogan

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